Code4Lib 2011 Voting for Host Site
So we still have voting going on for the 2011 Code4Lib Conference. It is between Bloomington – Vancouver – and New Haven. If you are into code4lib and have not voted please do so. See below.
Voting is only open until midnight on Tuesday, March 23rd, so vote now!
To vote:
1. Go to the ballot –
2. Log in using your credentials (register for an account if you haven’t done so already).
3. Click on a host’s name to reveal a link to the full proposal.
4. Assign each proposal a rank from 0 to 3, 0 being least desirable and 3 being the most. Please keep the conference requirements and desirables in mind as you make your selection.
5. Once you are satisfied with your rankings, click “Cast your ballot”.