Friday WebCast on "Saving My Stuff" Sponsored by TLT Group

On Friday June 5, 2015 I will be speaking at a TLT Group Discussion on personal and scholarly archiving and preservation with Stephen Bell and Cliff Landis. Please join us! Below are my slides

TLT Discussion on "Saving My Stuff" - 06.05.15 from Robert H. McDonald

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“Saving Our Stuff?” – Continued
Presenters: Steven J. Bell – Temple University, Robert H. McDonald – Indiana University, Cliff Landis – Georgia State University, Steve Gilbert, Beth Dailey, and others
From Research References to Family Pix
Effective Practices in Personal Digital Archiving for Faculty and Students
On April 17 in FridayLive! we began “Saving Our Stuff,”  but we discovered that there was greater interest and more to discuss than fit in that hour.  Based on comments and requests, we scheduled this follow-up to go deeper into these 3 main categories:
Select, Organize, Make your own backup – How?  Options & Cautions

  • Disaster prep;  Preservation;  Save private copies or publicly accessible copies.
  • Enable Refind/Retrieve via Cloud, Auto Backup Resources (e.g., Evernote, DIIGO Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Scholar, Amazon Cloud, iCloud, Carbonite, Sugarsync,Transporter, etc.)  Free/Fee
  • Rely on Wayback Machine?  For what? Wayback Machine does not access our [non-public] past Blackboard or Moodle courses
  • LMS Options, Limitations

“Fair Use” vs. CASE method = Copy And Steal Everything… vs. Other Alternatives

  • CREATE: Find, Adapt, Select, Protect, Organize(e.g., DIIGO, Google Scholar, Evernote)
  • USE:  Citation, Permission & Payment:  Enable Refind/Retrieve/Usage; via Permission, Citation Tools, Digital Object Identifiers, Creative Commons, ImageCodr,